Friday, August 10, 2007

Parking--Good news

As Summer Reading concludes many customers are breathing a sigh of relief since parking will be more readily available. Some numbers to consider: on Saturday June 2, 2007 (Summer Reading Kickoff) there were 2252 customers who exited our building; during July there were 15 days of the 25 we were open that had more than 1200 customers. Where did you park? Were you able to get one of our 16 existing parking spaces? Did you park on the street? Did you ride your bicycle or skateboard? Did you walk? Did you park in the auxiliary parking across the street? We’re so glad you battled parking to visit us and spend some time here!

Even though the parking situation seems grim, there is good news. The new building proposal includes a parking garage that will be adjacent to the building and will have lots of parking spaces! It is our goal to have these spaces free of charge for our customers.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Spaces for Teens

Teens are excited and so are we! Nampa Public Library’s teen group, T.A.L.K., is off to a great start and they have already contributed many ideas for new programming and the new building. In some of the community forums teen spaces were discussed and include cool things like display areas, comfy seating and places to visit.

Here are some pictures I took at the Salt Lake Public Library that made me think of the spaces we’ll have for our teens.